Refund Policy



Regular fees will be charged for absences due to non-attendance. This policy has been adopted because costs for staff and programs remain the same when a student is absent. Refunds are not provided due to natural disasters or occurrences outside of Generation Infocus’’s control.


If a student has planned extended absences, GI must be notified 30 days prior to the first date of absence to receive a credit. GI will charge the proper amount for attendance during the week(s) of extended absence.


Students may withdraw from the program at any time, provided they give written notice in advance of the last date of attendance. A formal notice of intent to withdraw must be submitted on Generation Infocus withdrawal slips. A withdrawal slip may be requested from the programs Site Director. Failure to give proper notice will result in continued enrollment in our program. Students/parents will be responsible for any outstanding fees. Any services pre-paid beyond the last date given on the approved notice submitted, will be refunded. Registration and processing fees are non-refundable. Withdrawal 30 days prior 100%, 15 days 50%, less than 15 days notice 0% refunded.

GI reserves the right to dismiss a student from our program for disruptive behavior that threatens the fidelity of the programs for other students to include the safety of others. Fees for services are non-transferable and non-refundable following the dismissal. Registration, course and processing fees are non-refundable. 


GI reserves the right to suspend a student from our program. Fees for services paid for during the suspension period are non-transferable and non-refundable.


In cases of severe weather forecasts such ice, snow, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc., GI will follow School District’s System procedures. If the school or school district is closed – GI will also be closed. In the event of severe weather warning, such as tornado, GI will follow the procedures designed for the public school system by moving to the center of the building, heads down with arms covering neck and head. If inclement weather conditions arise during the school day, GI reserves the right to cancel after school programming and will notify parents of such a decision immediately at which time parents are requested to pick up their children within the hour if during after school programming. No refunds or credits will not be issued due to inclement weather or any other incident that is out of GI’s control.